Sunday 25 November 2007

One day it will fit me...

... Thank you Mr P and Aunty Sarah, for my very posh PORSCHE DESIGN cap.

Grandad's for Bonfire Night!

Grandad and Jed's Uncles, Jake & Luc on the sofa together!

Money, money, money...

Looks like Mummy has been selling on eBay again! I wondered what is next. Hopefully not me. :0) x

What a cute boy!

Well the one on the left is cute!

Having a cuddle with Aunty Lisa

Talking to the monkeys!

Uncle Gary talking to the Monkeys at 'Jungle Park' zoo in Tenerife.

They only have McDonalds in Tenerife...

...Well that is what I have told Jed anyway, but I am not sure he believed me. I wonder how old he will be, before he notices there really are McDonalds in this country. Urggghh what a thought!!!

All this attention

Gorgeous girls giving me lots of attention! (Just like my Daddy).
Rosie (on the left) - Liam's girlfriend
Kelly (on the right) - Craig's girlfriend
Having fun with Jed x

Mummy hurry up

Mummy, please hurry up, the pool is getting full and I need my factor 50 on before I can go in!

Celestey Poohs and Jed!

"Celestey poohs" and Jed!!

Swimming with Grandma

The first thing on the agenda was swimming with Grandma!

Mum could not believe how Jed swims under water.

I'm off to Grandma's!

Jed the little jet-setter is now off to Tenerife to see Grandma! Another holiday along with Uncle Gary, Aunty Lisa, Cousin Celeste, Becky, Craig and Liam and both their girlfriends (Rosie and Kelly) ... and of course, Mummy and Daddy!

October 2007

Sunday 7 October 2007

Mummy liked this feeding chair so much, she bought one home for me! It cost her $112 in excess baggage! Whoops.

Off for lunch in a cave! As you do...

One for his first girlfriend!!!

Jed's first experience on a swing! He loved it!

Blue Mountain

Back to Blue Mountain, where Mummy used to ski many years ago!

Bad, bad parents...

...sand everywhere. In the mouth, face, eyes, ears and all in seconds!

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"

Jed's first ever steps on a beach.
(Wasaga Beach, Canada)

Daddy getting into practice for the next one!

Jed and little Jayden.

Carly and Jed

Doing what the Canadians do best!

This is a Canadian tradition. They all have BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC houses and what do they do? They have a party in the garage!!! Tee hee.
Oh, this is Raymond (Carly's Husband) and Jed.

Jed's first boat ride. Boy it was cold that day!!!

Niagara on the Lake

Niagara on the Lake. Jed looking a bit cross eyed.

Niagara Falls, Sept 07

My boys looking serious!

See American side of Niagara Falls in the background. This must have been my 50th time of visiting Niagara Falls and I am not joking!!!

Nanny Bev, Emily, Squeaky, Jed and Jason

A rare photo of all three of us.

A rare photo of all three of us in a shopping mall at Niagara Falls (outside the casino!).

This is me on holiday in Canada (September 2007). We had a lovely time staying with Nanny Bev and Rick. It was lovely to meet all the girls and their families. I didn't want to come home. Here are some photos for you to see....

Monday 3 September 2007

Daddy do you like my new swimming shorts?

Mine's a pint!!

In the pub during a day out to Winchester, with Nanny and Granny. August 07.

Our little dude is growing up fast!

Jed, chilling out in his bedroom at home. Boy is he growing up fast...

All on Mummy and Daddy's Bed!

  • - Jake (Jed's Uncle, Aged 8!)
  • - Daniel (Jed's cousin who is over visiting from
  • Spain)
  • - Luc (Jed's Uncle, Aged 8!)
  • - Jessica (Jed's cousin who is over visiting
  • from Spain)
  • - Grandad (with Jed of course)

Watching the Simpsons Movie...

Yes, this really is UNDER WATER!!

Our clever little boy, swimming under water!

Laura, James, Becky and Stella

Jed's cousins and Stella who has already taken to licking Jed's hands!

A very talented Aunty Sue.

Jed looking very serious!

Craig (my nephew) and Kelly with a very serious Jed.

Laura and Phil - The happy couple!

Jed's first wedding. It was a lovely day...

A beautiful photo!

This is my nephew Liam! He is going to teach Jed how to play golf one day...

Laura and Phil's wedding

June 30th, 2007.
I love the way J is holding Jed in this photo! (What a softy I am).

A typical Sunday morning for us now!

Water baby!

We decided to join Jed up to the 'Waterbabies' swimming classes every Sunday. It is great fun and he absolutely loves it.

Jed's first experience of floods...

Daddy decided to do exactly the opposite of what he was told on the TV and radio and took Jed and I out to explore the floods...This is the 'Showcase Cinema roundabout' (July 07) with people out in their boats!

Mummy and Daddy's favourite photo so far.

Mummy trying to make me sit up... but I like to lie down!

So cute!

Poor Jed, yes this really is your Daddy...

This 'reading lark' is sooooooo easy!

Bertie the Banana - Jed's best friend!

Monkey Boy!

Looks like Jed loves monkey's too! Just like Mummy...
Aunty Sarah gave Jed this. She always buys him lots of nice things, even a lovely washing basket!