Wednesday 1 October 2008

Anya - 4 months old (Sept 08)

Our Pretty Little Girl.

My belly hurts!!

Oliver...Oliver...Well a slightly gay version!

Jed with Anya's new 'AAT' on!

Mummy's Favourite Photo so far...

I think I just purchased BRADFORD & BINGLEY!!!



People often say that Jed looks like the little boy from the Loo Roll Advert!

These are a few of my favourite things!!!!

Broom... Broom...

Jed wrecking the car before he even starts!
"Uncle Adam... quick, how does this steering wheel go back in? and why are your trainers so white, by the way!"

Having a cuddle with Uncle Adam!

All the Fun of the Fair

Oh look, Jed is with James AGAIN!

Jed On A Wire

A rare day out with my brother and his family.
This is Jed's cousin James taking Jed on the Zip Wire. He absolutely loved it and went flying at the end.


Easily Annoyed by...

... This T-Shirt doesn't really apply to Jed because:-
- He loves pushing dolly prams at the Toddler group
- He loves putting things away in boxes
- He doesn't give a monkey if he gets caught!
- He loves bath time

Our Gorgeous Daughter!

She is still so, so smiley!

A Cuddle with his Auntie Lynne...

...With Nikki looking on. :0) x

'AAT... AAT... AAT'

That is HAT to you and I. Jed constantly puts things on his head. We will be doing something and he will come up to us saying "AAT...AAT".

A Kiss For My Little Sis!

We are so lucky that Jed has really embraced Anya. She is the first name he says when he wakes up and he has to kiss her goodnight at the end of the day! Long may it continue. I am sure he is leading us into a false sense of security and they will end up fighting like cat and dog - like me and my Bro!

Monday 4 August 2008

Deane Family Portrait!!!

From left to right:
At the back...
Sophie, Michelle, Daniel, Jake, Jed, Jason, Luc, Jessica, Adam.
At the front...
Jasmine, a proud Grandad Alan, and Anya.
Photo taken in Alan's back garden July 08.

Jed's First Haircut!

Auntie Mady kindly cut Jed's hair. He was such a good boy, but there were lots of distractions including Gabs, Frankie and lots and lots of toys!!!
Obviously Mummy has kept his first lock of hair and put it in his special box.

Just another cute photo!

Ohhhh... a lovely pressie from Grandma.

Jed very excited about his Formula One outfit that Grandma sent him! He put his hat on straight away.

The next Elton John...

Again this is all Jed's doing. He found these glasses in the office and ran into the bedroom with a big smile on his face. What a boy!
A star in the making perhaps...Well he does love playing the drums! Maybe he will be the next Phil Collins then!

It had to be done...

Our beautiful daughter! WOW, WOW, WOW.

Lots of cuddles from Grandma!

Grandma came over from Tenerife for two weeks. She spent the whole time either cuddling Anya or playing with our little man in the garden. He misses Grandma so much!!!

I'm forever blowing bubbles!

Jed's favourite thing to do in the garden... but it's not the same when Grandma isn't there!!

Jason with his babies and Nanny

Shame Jed wasn't playing ball! :)

Me and my shadow!

When Daddy is around - Mummy doesn't get a look in!!!

Still Sunday morning....

Sunday mornings are the best - all in bed together!!

Jed with his little friend Carys!

Sleeping Beauty!

Look at me Daddy!

J was looking after Jed this particular day and I had left my necklace somewhere. The next thing Jed runs into the living room with the necklace on with a BIG smile on his face, as if to say "LOOK AT ME DADDDY"...

The Apple of Daddy's Eye!

Shame she has my down-turned mouth! :0)

So smiley!

Looking after my little sister!

Jed can now say Anya and repeats it over and over. When you say to him "where is your sister, he points to her". So, so sweet. The other day when they were out in the double buggy, I looked down and he was holding her hand. What a lovely boy.

So, so tiny!!

All snuggly after a lovely bath

Anya seems to absolutely love the bath - she never cries and just smiles all the time! Hopefully she will be a real waterbaby like Jed. We are hoping to take Anya to the Waterbabies classes in November.

Thursday 5 June 2008

Bye Bye for now...

...check out more photos soon.

These photos are never flattering!

A tired, but VERY happy Mummy.

Move over David Beckham!

Thank you Uncle Adam and Auntie Sue for my footy kit. I LOVE IT!

Those eyes!!!


I feel completely blessed to have been given such beautiful children. WOW...WOW...WOW!!!

Proud Daddy!

Look at them - I will never get a look in again!!!

Our little girl has arrived!!!

Anya Joan Deane arrived into this world at 11:12 on 28th May 2008, weighing 7lb 11 oz.
She was delivered by C-Section (like Jed) and to say we were shocked she was a little girl is an understatement. We were convinced we were having another little boy!
So far, so good. She sleeps and eats really well and is just a delight!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Last but not least...

Yeh I'm smiling...Mummy must be pulling a funny face!

Jed with his little second cousin Kai!

Kai is a couple of weeks older than Jed. He loved the camera and couldn't stop smiling. Until he bashed his head that is!
Jed looking ultra serious AGAIN!

Such an angel!

Nearly a smile!