Sunday 27 January 2008

Baby Deane No. 2

This is Baby Deane No. 2. He/She is doing really well and is a very lively little baby.
We are very excited and can't stop wondering whether it will be a girl or a boy!
Watch this space.

Jed in his favourite sleepsuit...

This was given to him by Nanny Bev and Grampy Rick.
One day we will take you back to see the Toronto Maple Leafs play!

Oh What Fun!

Carys's (well you can see the top of her head), Ellie, Jed and Leo all have fun in the ball pool.
Cherry doing a grand job at supervising :0)

Alan with all his sons...

From left to right...
Luc, Grandad, Jake, Adam, Nanny McLyd, J and Jed (being fed by Daddy after a very busy and hectic few days).

Proud Daddy on his son's first Birthday...

Jed soon mastered the art of opening pressies.

Adam and Nanny McLyd

Jed has TWO Uncle Adam's...

...This is J's brother - the adorable Adam! Grandad is in the background with Jed.

...The other equally adorable Uncle Adam looks after Jed when he can...and what a great job he does too.

Jed blowing out his candle!

Jed with his mate Ali - she always seems to make him laugh and laugh and laugh... and laugh a little bit more. He loves her.

Mummy is NO Nigella!!

My first attempt. Hopefully Jed will forgive me!

Jed opening his pressies...

...why is the TV on in the background? on such an important occasion! And... it looks like it is Richard & Judy.
Nanny, Uncle Adam, Aunty Sue, James, Laura Lou, Ali, Frank and Helen...all turned up for a bite to eat. Jed loved every minute of all the attention!

Jed with his little friend Carys on his birthday!

Jed is 1 today! (17.01.08).
A bit of a cliche, but we can't believe where the time has gone...

Huggy Bear!!...

J... at Lou's 40th Birthday party....and he is the father of my son!

Can you believe the beard is REAL!

Miss Congeniality

She's definately 'Armed,
but I am not so sure about the Fabulous'.
Aunty Lou at her 40th Birthday party...
and she babysits my precious little baby!!!!!

Sunday 13 January 2008

A new brother or sister for Jed!!!

I think it's about time we included a post here to say that we have a new baby on the way. The new little bundle is due about the 20 'something of May.

I am currently 20 weeks and we have a scan on the 21st January.

Jason and I are thrilled to bits, and a bit scared (well I am anyway!).

We will keep the blog up-to-date with news etc.

Jed's 1st birthday is fast approaching this Thursday, so more photos will appear soon.

Saturday 12 January 2008


A visit to Honfleur. What a beautiful place. Shame it's now a little touristy!!

Hmmmmmmmmm Yummy!

How to keep Jed quiet whilst walking round a french supermarket.
J doesn't look that happy about it either, perhaps he wants some bread too!
Maybe things will get better when we get to the wine section...
...I can confirm things did improve, 70 bottles of wine purchased. Damn shame I can not drink at the moment!!!!

What a globetrotter!

Jed's 5th holiday of 2007!
In France staying with Matt & Helena. Oh and the 2 cats, a horse and a donkey!

First ever PJ's

Jed at Uncle Adam & Aunty Sue's - in his FIRST EVER PJ's...
...Well I though it was exciting :0) x

Jed's First Christmas Eve

Jed's very first Christmas eve at Uncle Adam's & Aunty Sue's. He hasn't got a clue what is going on and just keeps smiling!

Winter is here!!!

A very cold winters day in Dorset. Visiting Steve & Wendy for the day, just before Christmas.
Jed still loves being in the baby bjorn.