Wednesday 1 October 2008

Anya - 4 months old (Sept 08)

Our Pretty Little Girl.

My belly hurts!!

Oliver...Oliver...Well a slightly gay version!

Jed with Anya's new 'AAT' on!

Mummy's Favourite Photo so far...

I think I just purchased BRADFORD & BINGLEY!!!



People often say that Jed looks like the little boy from the Loo Roll Advert!

These are a few of my favourite things!!!!

Broom... Broom...

Jed wrecking the car before he even starts!
"Uncle Adam... quick, how does this steering wheel go back in? and why are your trainers so white, by the way!"

Having a cuddle with Uncle Adam!

All the Fun of the Fair

Oh look, Jed is with James AGAIN!

Jed On A Wire

A rare day out with my brother and his family.
This is Jed's cousin James taking Jed on the Zip Wire. He absolutely loved it and went flying at the end.


Easily Annoyed by...

... This T-Shirt doesn't really apply to Jed because:-
- He loves pushing dolly prams at the Toddler group
- He loves putting things away in boxes
- He doesn't give a monkey if he gets caught!
- He loves bath time

Our Gorgeous Daughter!

She is still so, so smiley!

A Cuddle with his Auntie Lynne...

...With Nikki looking on. :0) x

'AAT... AAT... AAT'

That is HAT to you and I. Jed constantly puts things on his head. We will be doing something and he will come up to us saying "AAT...AAT".

A Kiss For My Little Sis!

We are so lucky that Jed has really embraced Anya. She is the first name he says when he wakes up and he has to kiss her goodnight at the end of the day! Long may it continue. I am sure he is leading us into a false sense of security and they will end up fighting like cat and dog - like me and my Bro!